Obstetric Surgery

Baby Birthing
Baby birthing refers to the process that a woman goes through in order to give birth to a kid. The three most common types of childbirth are the normal delivery, the painless delivery, and the caesarean section delivery. The birthing process may depend on factors such as the mother’s health, the baby’s health, and the mother’s personal preferences. Each method has its own set of benefits and drawbacks, and the manner in which a woman gives birth may be determined by these factors.
The three methods of delivery are as follows:
- Normal Delivery
- Painless Delivery
- C-SectionDelivery
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the normal duration of labor for a vaginal delivery?
The duration of labor can vary greatly from woman to woman, but the average duration of a first-time vaginal delivery is around 12 to 14 hours. Subsequent deliveries may be shorter.
Can I have a normal delivery after a C-section?
It is possible, but it depends on several factors, such as the reason for the previous C-section and the overall health of the mother and baby. Discuss your options with your healthcare provider.
What should I do to prepare for a normal delivery?
Attend prenatal classes, stay healthy and active during pregnancy, have a birth plan in place, and discuss any concerns with your healthcare provider.
How is painless labour accomplished?
By injecting an anaesthetic medication called an epidural into the lower back near the spinal cord, a painless delivery can be achieved. The medication blocks pain signals from the uterus and cervix, making labour and delivery more comfortable for the mother.
Can all women experience painless childbirth?
Not all women qualify for painless childbirth. Your healthcare provider will assess your medical history and pregnancy status to determine if you are a candidate for a painless delivery.
Will I still feel my contractions during a painless delivery?
Although painless delivery blocks pain signals, it does not eliminate all sensations completely. You may still experience slight pain or pressure during contractions.
Is caesarean delivery safe?
C-section deliveries are generally regarded as safe when performed by an experienced medical professional in a well-equipped medical facility. However, as with any surgical procedure, there are risks and complications that should be discussed with your doctor.
How long does it take to recuperate after a caesarean section?
The recovery period after a cesarean delivery can vary based on a number of factors, including the mother's health in general and the type of anaesthesia used. Most women can expect to remain in the hospital for a few days following childbirth and may require several weeks of recuperation at home.
Will I have a scar following a caesarean delivery?
Yes, the majority of women will have a visible scar following a caesarean delivery. In most cases, the scar is permanent, though it may fade over time.
Opening Hours
Mon – Sat
09:00 AM – 06:00 PM
Sundays and general public holidays closed.